
(Barré) #1

to live up to: to fulfill (a standard or promise)
o It was clear that the lazy student would never live up to his family's
o It surprised us that the car salesperson lived up to all the promises he

to stick to: to adhere to (a promise), to follow or obey (a set of rules,
procedures, etc.)
o He made a promise to his wife to quit smoking and drinking, and so far
he has stuck to it.
o All organizations expect their employees to stick to established work
rules and procedures.
o If you try hard to stick to your principles, then you'll be able to live up
to them.

to stick it to: to cheat, to take unfair advantage of (also: to rip off, the
o Be careful in doing business with that salesperson. He'll stick it to you
at the first opportunity.
o The car dealership certainly ripped me off when I bought this car. It
has caused me trouble constantly.
o You paid over $400 for that jacket? What a ripoff!

to stand up for: to insist on, to demand; to defend, to support
o If you don't stand up for your rights in court, the lawyers will try to
stick it to you.
o Frank stood up for his friend, who was being put down by other
teenagers nearby.

to cut corners: to economize, to save money
o Most students live on limited budgets and have to cut corners
whenever possible.
o The Livingstons have nine children, so it is essential that they cut
corners at all times.


to take on: to employ, to hire (S); to accept responsibility for, to undertake
o That factory is taking a lot of new employees on for its new production
o Would you be willing to take on the task of organizing the next
company picnic?

to take down: to remove from an elevated place (S); to write what is said, to
o We should take the pictures down from the wall and clean off the dust.
o The secretary took down everything that was said at the meeting.

to fall through: to fail to materialize, not to succeed
This idiom is usually used with the noun plan or plans as the subject.

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