2019-09-01 AdNews

(Marcin) #1
What struck the team was the
emotion and reality of the calls
that claims managers have to
deal with every day.
“They were so empathetic to
the people on the other end of
the line, and it was this human-
ity that informed the positioning
of the work,” Derwin says.
“Because in these times of
need, it’s not just about the
money, it’s about understanding
people’s situations and their
individual needs.”
While only in its early stages,
Derwin says the reaction to the
campaign has been overwhelm-
ingly positive, and while BMF
thought that would be the case,
he says it’s been “incredibly
rewarding” to see the reaction
from the industry, but most
importantly from the public.
“Our launch burst activity
lasted for one month and we
hope to continue this conversa-
tion with Australians over the
coming year. We positioned the
campaign so that all Australians
could see it in an integrated
way,” Wilson says.
“We really wanted to make an
impact, which is why we
launched across television, out-
door, digital and cinema.”
Wi l son s ays t he work by bot h
BMF and TAL is an example of
a financial institution taking
the needs of its customers seri-
ously and valuing their needs
over all else.
Referring to the changes
within the sector, he says the
industry has undergone a
once-in-a-generation transfor-
mation which started well
before the royal commission
and continues today.
“Ultimately and in time, we
believe as an industry, we will
be stronger for it and our cus-
tomers will be better served by
it,” Wilson says.
“If we are serious about
rebuilding trust, as many in the
industry are talking about, we
must be outstanding at what
the community expects of us –
paying claims and supporting
customers when they need us

http://www.adnews.com.au | September 2019 45

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