American Farmhouse Style – August 2019

(lily) #1




Make your own blanket ladder
to keep throws neat and tidy,
and show off your rustic
farmhouse style.


  • Three framing lumber boards,
    2 inches x 3 inches x 8 feet

  • Table or hand saw

  • Wood clamps

  • Twenty 2 ½-inch wood screws

  • Sandpaper

  • Stain of choice (optional)


  1. Cut two of the framing lumber pieces
    to 7 feet for the sides of the ladder.

  2. Lay them down on a fl at surface, with
    the 2-inch sides against the fl oor.

  3. Cut the third framing lumber piece
    into sections for the rungs. The
    rungs will have diff erent lengths to
    create the tapering look: 18 inches,
    17 inches, 16 inches, 15 inches and
    14 inches. Each piece should have
    4-degree angles on the ends.

  4. Place the 18-inch step approximately
    18 inches from the bottom of the
    sides. Do not attach it yet.

  5. Lay out the subsequent pieces
    approximately 12 inches apart, going
    up the ladder. Make sure each step
    fi ts snugly. You may need to use
    wood clamps to help hold the steps
    in place while you work.

  6. Drill the wood screws into the side
    pieces from the outside directly into
    each step.

  7. Sand and stain if desired; then hang
    your blankets.

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