American Farmhouse Style – August 2019

(lily) #1


Margaret considers herself lucky that

the style she and her sister naturally

gravitate toward is kid-friendly and

allows them to “not feel like tip-toeing

is necessary” in their homes. The twin

sisters have 11 children between

them, so family-friendly and durable

design has always been of utmost

importance to them. With their big

families, they insist on simple décor,

which is often easier to maintain.

Additionally, they fi nd that their

affi nity for inexpensive, used furniture

also translates to kid-friendly. “A rustic

piece that is designed with some

nicks and scratches can easily take

more from kids,” Elizabeth says.

Look in your own home for
furniture to upcycle. Salvage
it with a new coat of paint, and
switch out the hardware.


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