American Farmhouse Style – August 2019

(lily) #1

Maryal Miller Carter doesn’t look at her house and simply

see a house. According to the Phoenix, Arizona-based blogger of Love + Specs, the 1954 home she

shares with her husband, Chris, is a central character in their love story.

Five years ago, Maryal was living in a Phoenix neighborhood that she describes as “pretty brown and unvaried,

and it was a little bit uninspiring.” Then her sister moved to the Arcadia neighborhood. After spending time there,

Maryal began to adore the area’s charm and beauty—the friendliness, the fragrant citrus trees and scores of

people walking their dogs. When she decided to look for a house there, she toured around 50 homes. As soon as

she walked into the house she now lives in, she says she was a “goner.”

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