American Farmhouse Style – August 2019

(lily) #1


Maryal’s DIY “scent pots” have proven to be the most popular project on her blog and for good reason:
They’re creative and guaranteed to make your home smell amazing. Here’s how to make them.


  • Small terracotta pots and saucers

  • Rag or paper towels

  • Craft paint of choice (Maryal used
    Martha Stewart Porcelain Doll and
    Poodle Skirt)

  • Cup or bowl for mixing paint

  • Paint stir stick or plastic utensil

  • Filbert brush, size 4

  • Coff ee beans

  • Tea lights

  • Cinnamon sticks


  1. Clean off your pots with a damp rag or
    paper towel.

  2. Create a vintage-inspired patina by
    whipping up your own whitewash.
    In a cup or bowl, mix a quarter-sized
    dollop of paint with 1 tablespoon
    water. “This doesn’t have to be an exact
    science,” Maryal says. “More paint to
    less water will make for an opaquer
    wash, and more water to less paint
    will make the wash more transparent.”
    However thick you want your wash,
    make sure you mix it thoroughly.
    3. Brush the wash onto the pot and
    allow it to dry.
    4. Create a subtle polka-dot pattern
    under the lip of the pot by using the
    same craft paint used for the wash,
    but without the water mix-in.
    5. Once the pot is dry, pour in the coff ee
    beans to the top and add a small tea
    light and cinnamon stick.
    6. Light the candle, wait for it to warm
    and then breathe in the fragrance.

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