Candle Stand
Round Tenon
The top of the post has a 1" diam-
eter tenon that attaches the top.
This can be made by using dividers
set to a^1 / 2 " radius, and scribing a
circle on the end of the post. Reset
the dividers to 1", and with one leg
on the end of the post scribe across
the facets to create a shoulder line.
Saw the shoulder line fi rst, and then
chisel around the circle removing
the waste to create the tenon.
The post I used here had funky
grain at the top that I was afraid
would compromise the tenon. To
fi x the problem, I bored a 1" hole
about 2^1 / 2 " deep into the post and
used an oak dowel with a wedge set
into the bottom for the repair. After
applying glue, the dowel was driven
in. When the wedge bottoms out in
the hole it expands the dowel and
locks it into place.
Tilt-Top Mechanism
The original table has a tilt top
and that’s how I made mine. When
tilted into the vertical position,
the tilt top saves space by allowing
the table to be stored closer to a
wall. In the case of this particular
table, the benefi t of the tilt top is
negligible. With the top horizontal
it projects 20" from a wall, tilted
vertically, the feet project 15". So,
if you wanted to make yours with
a rigidly mounted top it would be
fi ne and would simplify the build a
bit. The tilt top does get a few extra
points for “coolness.”
The top pivots on two^1 / 2 " diam-
eter round tenons that are shaped
17 The tip of the auger bit often needs some downward
pressure to bite into the end grain.
18 This wedged dowel joint will continue to hold even if the
glue fails at some point.
19 Once the round tenon is complete, apply glue to the leg
mortises and tenons and assemble them.
20 A nice detail on the original table was a set of three small
coves on the facets between the legs that were shaped with
a gouge or rasp.
Cut List
No. Item Dimensions (inches)
1 (A) Post 3 3 225 / 8
3 (B) Legs 5 15 / 16 13
1 (C) Top^11 / 16 20 20
1 (D) Top mount^7 / 8 51 / 2 71 / 2
2 (F) Battens 11 / 4 7 / 8 151 / 2
1 (G) Toggle^7 / 8 5 / 8 21 / 8