Popular Woodworking – August 2019

(Michael S) #1

Last Christmas my wife and I in-
troduced our young boys to LEGO.
This was a good reminder that
there is something really special
about spending time with your kids
with toys that you grew up with.
It’s been incredible seeing how fast
they’ve gone from just wanting me
to build things for them to smash,
to my oldest building kits with
minimal assistance.
As our collection has grown and
my boys became ever more interest-
ed in LEGO, I decided they needed
a fi tting home. I wanted to build
something that brought inspiration
when you saw it. A table that would
draw my boys in when they come
home from school rather than set-
tling in with their electronic devices.

Table Construction
I came up with the idea of a simple
plywood table with a shelf for stor-
age containers, all pretty standard,
but I didn’t stop there. I added a
LEGO inlay of sorts. I used panels
of LEGO, situated behind some
creative cutouts in the base of the
table so that it would look like the
table was plastered over LEGO that
had been worn away. To make the
concept more convincing and to
challenge myself, some of the inlays
were placed in corners.
The table construction is very
straightforward. The entire table
comes from less than a 4'x8' sheet
of^3 / 4 " plywood. Everything is pock-
et holed together to keep things
simple and they are more than
strong enough for a table like this.
The corners of the top are rounded
for safety and the exposed edges of
the plywood get edge banded for a
cleaner appearance.

The Cutouts
The fi rst step is building the LEGO
panels that will fi ll the cutouts. To

Lego Inlay Table

1 Panels of LEGOS inlayed into
the table add a dash of fun to this
simple build.




321 / 2 "


71 / 2 "

(^3) / 4 "
11 / 2 "
193 / 4 " 20"
33 / 4 " 201 / 2 "

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