Sunday Magazine – May 26, 2019

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

22 S MAGAZINE ★ 26 MAY 2019

Life as I know it

Jodie Kidd

Model, racing car driver and pub landlady Jodie, 40, lives in Sussex with

her partner Joseph and her seven-year-old son Indio Words by Kirsten Jones

Not a lot of people know this but
I’m very good at... gardening.
I was brought up – very luckily

  • in the countryside. Growing
    vegetables is something my
    mother has always done. The
    first thing I do in a new house is
    put a veggie patch in the garden.
    There’s something so rewarding
    about planting a seed and eating
    the resulting food three months
    later. It’s not as easy as it
    sounds and I’ve learnt the
    technique over many years. I’m
    not the best, but I do enjoy it.
    My best friend is... Julie
    Brangstrup. She’s the founder of
    the Cash & Rocket tour. It’s lovely
    that I can be part of that. We’ve
    been best friends for about 25
    years. We’re godparents to each
    other’s children.
    My nickname is... It used to be
    Lanky at school. I’ve also been
    Jodes or Jodie-bug. Now for some
    reason everyone is calling me
    Squirrel. Apparently I act like a
    squirrel, which I really disagree
    with. It’s my new household name
    and Indio really likes to call me it.
    The bravest thing I’ve ever done
    is... have a baby. Suddenly your
    waters break. You know what
    you’ve got to do but you’re not
    sure how it’s going to happen.
    I think every woman who gives
    birth is incredibly brave. It’s
    scary, rewarding and amazing.
    My favourite TV show is... Hanna.

Saoirse Ronan and Cate Blanchett
were in the original movie. Now
there’s a TV series. I love Ozark,
too, and Game Of Thrones. I’m
going to watch the whole of the
last series in one fell swoop.
My perfect evening is... with my
partner and Indio, drinking a glass
of wine in front of a roaring fire. I’d
make a lovely meal and squidge
down on the sofa and watch a film.
I’d like to say sorry to... my
partner, who I didn’t kiss
goodnight last night. I’d just arrived
home from Jamaica. I don’t think
I felt my head hit the pillow.
My first kiss was... a boy called
Nobby. His real name is Neil.
I was about 12 years old. He
gave me a kiss in the hay shed
on the farm.
The one thing I’d change about
myself is... I’d like to be more
of a morning person. As soon
as it gets dark I come awake. I’m
terrible in the morning. I’d like
to be able to jump out of bed.
The best thing my parents
taught me was... my drive for
life. They taught me that nothing
is impossible and to keep
fighting, even when everything is
crumbling. You’ve got to keep a
positive mind and carry on.
The last time I cried was...
watching The Notebook. All I have
to do is turn it on and I blub.
The first record I ever bought
was... White Wedding by Billy

Idol. I was about eight years old.
I think I got a Terence Trent
D’Arby cassette as well.
It’s not good for my image but
I like... walking around with
a glass of wine.
My greatest weakness is...
also wine.
If I could pass any law I would...
make people give back. I’d teach
people that it’s the norm to give
back to charities, to help those
less fortunate than ourselves.
I do a lot for charity, like the
Cash & Rocket tour. I’ve climbed
mountains and ridden bicycles
across continents.
I drive... a BMW i8 Roadster. It’s
an electric hybrid convertible. I’m
taking it on the Cash & Rocket
tour, which visits London, Paris,
Geneva and Monte Carlo. I’ve also
got an old Land Rover which is a
workhorse for country living. It’s
a lifesaver when the river floods.
The shop I can’t walk past is...
Selfridges. I love everything under
one roof. It’s not something you
get in the countryside. I like to
mooch around Space NK as well.
The most expensive thing I’ve
ever splashed out on is... my
Ferrari 550 Maranello. I was
25 and just got a big modelling
contract. It was the best day of
my life. I wish I’d kept hold of it.
It’s worth so much money now.
The actress I’d like to play me in
a film is... Cate Blanchett or

Charlize Theron. They’re both tall.
It’s a tough choice.
The worst job I’ve done is... a
modelling shoot in Mexico. This
was when mobile phones didn’t
exist. I was only 17. I stayed in
a terrible hotel and there was
a massive storm. The roof of my
bedroom fell in.
My perfect Sunday is... I take
Indio swimming and then head
down to my pub The Half Moon to
have a Sunday lunch.
My favourite place in Britain is...
my pub in Kirdford. I love sitting
out in the garden and working
with the chefs.
My last holiday was... in Jamaica.
It was a work holiday but I got to
enjoy three days at the end.
I’m currently reading... Vox by
Christina Dalcher. It’s a bit like The
Handmaid’s Tale. Women live in
complete silence. It makes you
wonder if it could happen.
The best day of my life was...
the day Indio came into my life.
If I had half an hour left on Earth
I’d... break open a bottle of
champagne, toast life and give
cuddles to the people I love.

Jodie will be taking part in the
2019 Cash & Rocket tour raising
money for Sumbandila, DFFAF
(Dream for Future Africa
Foundation) and the Helen
Bamber Foundation. For more
details, see


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