Happiful – May 2019

(Sean Pound) #1

If I occupy my

mind effectively

and for long

enough, I won’t

even realise the

pain and panic

has gone

1 Think logically
It’s important to know that it’s
a panic attack, and although it
might be painful and distressing, it
won’t kill you. I’ve been taken
to hospital by ambulance
twice because of the
unrelenting pain I was
in. Both times the pain
was so bad I thought
I was having a
heart attack. I’ve
spent hours having
multiple tests to
find what was
wrong, for
to come
clear. What
I know now is
that although
I have found
myself in a great
deal of pain, it
won’t turn into anything sinister. I
talk myself through the situation by
repeatedly telling myself this, and
saying it with conviction. When you
realise what is actually happening, it
becomes much easier to rationalise
and get through it.

3 Distract yourself
If thinking logically doesn’t work
on its own, and I’m up and out of
bed, I’ll try to distract my mind.
We all have something in our lives
that helps us relax and takes our
thoughts somewhere else – it might
be as simple as taking a shower
or bath. For me, it’s watching a
TV show, something light and
entertaining that I’ve seen before.

4 Therapy
I had cognitive behavioural therapy
(CBT) to manage my panic attacks,
and to understand why I was having
them so frequently. Therapy helped
me to realise that I wasn’t dealing
with stressors in my life, and that
my worries and anxieties were
manifesting as panic attacks. I learnt
to face what was causing me stress
and to deal with it there and then.
I realised my panic attacks often
occurred after a stressful event. Once
my body and mind were relaxed
again, like going to bed on a Friday
night after a difficult week, I would
wake up with a panic attack. It
became vital to realise when I was
going through a stressful time, so
when that stress had disappeared I
wouldn’t end up having yet another
night-time attack. I was taught
breathing techniques to calm myself,
which I still use today.

Katie is a blogger and freelance
writer, focusing on mental health. She
blogs at stumblingmind.com and has
a podcast, ‘A Life Lived Vividly’, with
a focus on hearing voices.

To try CBT to address panic attacks,
find more information and support
on counselling-directory.org.uk

2 Get out of bed
Waking up with a panic attack can
be very scary, and in the moment it
can feel easier to stay in bed and try
to wish it away. But the experience
can be all the more intense if you lie
there, with nothing to distract your
mind. For me, lying in bed in the
dark during a panic attack seems
to exacerbate my feelings, as I run
through all the worst scenarios in my
head. I find that getting up, turning
the light on, and going in to another
room is much more constructive.
Even if it’s just walking to the kitchen
to have a drink of water and to do
something, anything, rather than
staying in bed worrying.

Sometimes I sketch, which keeps my
hands busy and forces me to focus. If
I occupy my mind effectively and for
long enough, I won’t even realise the
pain and panic has gone. Distracting
yourself from a panic attack seems
simple, but it takes practise. If you’re
already thinking logically about
what’s happening, it will be easier.

May 2019 • happiful • 55
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