OhmyGod.I findthatexquisitelybeautiful,poeticandamazing.Butmy
soullongstobea babyboomer.LikeI totallywanttobea babyboomer!
Iwassayingtoa friendtheotherday,“Howamazingwouldit havebeento
bebornjustafterWorldWarII andthenyoucouldlivea fabulouslifeand
plundertheplanethappilyinconsumerism.”I wasactuallylongingforit
[laughs]if I’mtotallyhonest!“I wanttojustdrinkallthewine,eatallthemeat,
wearfashionandthrowit out!”It wassuchanawesomegenerationthat
didn’t havetoworryaboutplanetaryboundaries!So,youknow.If I’mhonest,
my baseselfislongingforpastgenerationvibes.Notreally,butyouknow.
intheUSthatI metrecentlywhoaresmart,brilliant,beautifulhumanbeingsarenothaving
said,I heardyou.It hasalwaysbeenuncertain.It hasalwaysbeeninsecure.Therewasa false
mymumit’sa reallylovelyspacetoinhabit,notbeingworried
aboutalltheseramifications.I mean,notthatsheisn’t.Butthe
in ourgenerationpeoplearenothavingchildrenbecauseofthe
shockoftheawarenessofourtimeanda confusionaroundhow
to respond.Afearful,confusing,grief-strickenunknowingofhow
to be.I understandthatinthisconversationyou’recallingforward
howwemightbe.AndI hearyou.Andanotherpartofmeisjust
like a tantrumingchildwhodoesn’twanttohavetoworkthathard.
Atthe end of a long day I do really just want to watch Netflix.
a powerful resource for us. So my recognition, and what I expressed in the book, is that
our minds are being stretched. We can’t meet the challenge, our collective challenge, as we
have been. We have to become a new stage of human being. We have to become mature in
a way that we never have been before. That takes deep profound inner work. We do have to
transform our consciousness. We also have to transform our relationships. Our way of being
with each other can be better.
And that can transform the structures that contain us. We are invited by circumstances to
meet these sets of challenges. It isn’t as if I wish I lived in a past era when these crises weren’t
so acute. My soul and your soul have said “yes” somehow to being here now.
I want to challenge you on
that. I mean yeah, the fact that
you would feel that, I’m with
you one thousand percent.
That’s natural. But if you
really examine it, longing to be
elsewhere is a way of not really
being where you are.
But that’s okay. How can we be self-
compassionate and humorous and
loose and in a very light-hearted way
even as we are capable of this profound
seriousness and sobriety? And facing
horrific realities? That’s what we’re called
to: all of those things at once. So that
means I have to grow. And for you to
notice that you could do better and that
in some ways you’re having a tantrum,
yeah. Thanks for being so honest about
it. But you’ll outgrow the tantrum. You
won’t stay stuck in that pattern. You’re going to have some insights about that and your
feelings are going to evolve. And they’re being informed by a lot of wisdom because that’s
what you’re really magnetised to. So something better is coming about for you. You’re rapidly
growing. So are all of us. This is a collective phenomenon. We are rapidly growing. It’s like
getting the best seat at the sporting event. We are where the action is. If your soul was saying
We can be better friends, we can be more
co-operative in different ways. We don’t have to
settle for the old ways of being with each other.