2.3 Example: Fixed End Temperatures 151
allxin the interval 0<x
sides must be a constant, varying neither withxnort:
=p, T
Now we have two ordinary differential equations for the two factor functions:
φ′′−pφ= 0 , T′−pkT= 0. (13)
The two boundary conditions onwmay also be stated in the product form:
w( 0 ,t)=φ( 0 )T(t)= 0 ,w(a,t)=φ(a)T(t)= 0.
There are two ways these equations can be satisfied for allt>0. Either the
functionT(t)≡0 for allt, which is forbidden, or the other factors must be
zero. Therefore, we have
φ( 0 )= 0 ,φ(a)= 0. (14)
Our job now is to solve Eqs. (13) and satisfy the boundary conditions (14)
while avoiding the trivial solution.
Case 1:Ifp>0, the solutions of Eqs. (13) are
φ(x)=c 1 cosh
+c 2 sinh
, T(t)=cepkt.
Now we apply the boundary conditions:
φ( 0 )=0: c 1 = 0 ,
φ(a)=0: c 2 sinh
= 0.
Because the sinh function is 0 only when its argument is 0 — clearly not true
of√pa—wehavec 1 =c 2 =0andφ(x)≡0, which is not acceptable.
Case 2:Ifwetakep=0, the solutions of the differential equations (13) are
φ(x)=c 1 +c 2 x,T(t)=c. The boundary conditions require
φ( 0 )=0: c 1 = 0 ,
φ(a)=0: c 2 a= 0.
Again we haveφ(x)≡0.
Case 3: We now try a negative constant. Replacingpby−λ^2 in Eqs. (13)
gives us the two equations
φ′′+λ^2 φ= 0 , T′+λ^2 kT= 0 ,
whose solutions are
φ(x)=c 1 cos(λx)+c 2 sin(λx), T(t)=cexp
−λ^2 kt