6 Chapter 0 Ordinary Differential Equations
0 <b/ 2 <ω:underdamped. Therootsarecomplexconjugatesα±iβwith
ω^2 −(b/ 2 )^2 .Thegeneralsolutionofthedifferentialequa-
tion is
c 1 cos(βt)+c 2 sin(βt)
The mass oscillates, but approaches equilibrium astincreases.
b/ 2 =ω:critically damped. Therootsarebothequaltob/2. The general
solution of the differential equation is
u(t)=e−bt/^2 (c 1 +c 2 t).
The mass approaches equilibrium astincreases and may pass through equi-
librium (u(t)may change sign) at most once.
b/ 2 >ω:overdamped. Both roots of the characteristic equation are real,
say,m 1 andm 2 .Thegeneralsolutionofthedifferentialequationis
u(t)=c 1 em^1 t+c 2 em^2 t.
The mass approaches equilibrium astincreases, andu(t)may change sign at
most once. These cases are illustrated on the CD.
- Cauchy–Euler equation
One of the few equations with variable coefficients that can be solved in com-
plete generality is the Cauchy–Euler equation:
d^2 u
dt^2 +kt
dt+pu=^0. (17)
The distinguishing feature of this equation is that the coefficient of thenth
derivative is thenth power oft, multiplied by a constant. The style of solution
for this equation is quite similar to the preceding: Assume that a solution has
the formu(t)=tm,andthenfindm. Substitutinguin this form into Eq. (17)
leads to
t^2 m(m− 1 )tm−^2 +ktmtm−^1 +ptm= 0 , or
m(m− 1 )+km+p= 0 (k,pare constants). (18)
This is the characteristic equation for Eq. (17), and the nature of its roots de-
termines the solution, as summarized in Table 2.
One important example of the Cauchy–Euler equation is
t^2 d
(^2) u
dt^2 +t
(^2) u= 0 , (19)