
(jair2018) #1

44 Chapter 0 Ordinary Differential Equations

can be developed by using the variation-of-parameters solution of the differ-
ential equation (1), as presented in Section 2. To begin, we need to have two
independent solutions of the homogeneous equation

d^2 u


+p(x)u= 0 , l<x<r. (4)

Let us designate these two solutions asu 1 (x)andu 2 (x). It will simplify algebra
later if we require thatu 1 satisfy the boundary condition atx=landu 2 the
condition atx=r;

αu 1 (l)−α′u′ 1 (l)= 0 , (5)
βu 2 (r)+β′u′ 2 (r)= 0. (6)

According to Theorem 3 of Section 2, the general solution of the differential
equation (1) can be written as

u(x)=c 1 u 1 (x)+c 2 u 2 (x)+




u 1 (z)u 2 (x)−u 2 (z)u 1 (x)

W(z)dz. (7)

Recall that in the denominator of the integrand, we have the Wronskian ofu 1
andu 2 ,




u 1 (z) u 2 (z)
u′ 1 (z) u′ 2 (z)



∣, (8)

which is nonzero becauseu 1 andu 2 are independent. We will need to know
the following derivative of the function in Eq. (7):

dx=c^1 u

1 (x)+c^2 u

2 (x)+




u 1 (z)u′ 2 (x)−u 2 (z)u′ 1 (x)


(See Leibniz’s rule in the Appendix.)
Now let us apply the boundary condition,Eq.(2),tothegeneralsolution
u(x).First,atx=lwe have

αu(l)−α′u′(l)=c 1


αu 1 (l)−α′u′ 1 (l)


+c 2


αu 2 (l)−α′u′ 2 (l)


= 0. (9)

Note that the integrals inuandu′are both 0 atx=l. Because of the boundary
condition (5) imposed onu 1 ,Eq.(9)reducesto

c 2


αu 2 (l)−α′u′ 2 (l)


= 0 , (10)

and we conclude thatc 2 =0.

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