Ultimate Cross Stitch Christmas - UK (2019-10)

(Antfer) #1

Cards & tags

Stitching close-up

Having no backstitch in the foreground of

a design and a little in the background is a

trick designers use to bring perspective to

a scene. Here, Jenny has left the shrubbery

and the snowy ground undefined while

the backstitch starts at the stone steps of

the cottage and the trees to the left of the

houses. It’s a great way to add depth.

How to mount

an aperture card


Trim your finished stitching just smaller

than the card front. Lay the card blank

with the aperture over the aida, so the circle

is aligned with the design. Mark where the

aperture edges will be, with pins.


Turn the card over and stick double-

sided tape around the inside of the

aperture. With the pins as a guide, place

the card back over your fabric and fix.


Insert a piece of white paper

behind the aida, to prevent show-

through of the card blank colour.

Then fix down the card flap securely

with a piece of double-sided tape.


Why not

your (^) fave d
esign and
frame it in
a mini
y hoop
for a swee
t, quick-
stitch gift?

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