Popular Mechanics - USA (2019-07-Special)

(Antfer) #1
don’t reflect their ecolog-
ical condition. The plants
need to be treated with fer-
tilizer because the soil’s not
right. They want water the
weather doesn’t provide. Wild-
life disappears because they
no longer have food to eat. All
this creates more labor for
homeowners, the humans
in this ecosystem, because
they’re working against nature
instead of with it.
“A garden that’s planted
purely by aesthetic decisions
is like a car with no engine,”
says Larry Weaner, founder
and principal of Larry Weaner
Landscape Associates in Glen-
side, Pennsylvania. “It may
look beautiful, the stereo
works great, but you’re going to
have to push it up the hill.”
A yard should have an
engine. You just have to grow
plants adapted to your land-
scape and work with wildlife
instead of trying to control it,
which will foster diversity and
stability in your local ecosys-
tem. More than ornaments,
plants have functions in a
regenerative system. When
you engage the natural land-
scape, you reconnect to your
region and your ecosystem,
and create a piece of land that
reflects its place. Here’s how.

The great likelihood is that
you’re going to be adapt-
ing to the conditions you
already have. Those condi-
tions might not appear to
be “optimal” in the tradi-
tional horticultural sense.
But plants grow in the wild
without fertilizer. Survi-
vors adapt, learning to love
even marginal soil. They
also forge relationships
with other plants, animals,

and the microbiology of the
soil. These relationships
become the foundation of
a sustainable and resilient

Get to know
your climate
Temperatures, average
rainfall. Look up where you
fall on the USDA’s Plant
Hardiness Zones and Kop-
pen Climate Classification







In order to understand your land, you have to understand the land that surrounds it.

(^74) July/August 2019 _ PopularMechanics.com

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