
(jair2018) #1

THEOREM 6.45. If go is a smooth metric on a compact manifold Mn,
the unnormalized Ricci flow with g (0) =go has a unique solution g (t) on a

maximal time interval 0 :::; t < T :::; oo. Moreover, if T < oo, then

lim ( sup !Rm (x, t)i) = oo.
t/T xEMn
We shall in fact prove the contrapositive of the theorem. Namely, we
will show that if the maximum curvature were to remain bounded along
a sequence of times approaching T, the solution could be extended past
T. In order to make this argument rigorous, we must first discuss a priori
estimates for any solution whose curvatures remain suitably bounded.

7.1. Higher derivative estimates. In Section 5 of Chapter 3, we saw
how the Ricci flow may be regarded heuristically as a nonlinear heat equation
for a Riemannian metric. This viewpoint admits a rigorous interpretation
in the sense that the curvatures of an evolving metric all satisfy parabolic
equations. In particular, bounds on the curvature of an initial metric go
automatically induce a priori bounds on all derivatives of the curvature for
a short time. We call these Bernstein-Banda-Shi (BBS) derivative
estimates, because they follow the strategy introduced by Bernstein [16,
17, 18 ] for proving gradient bounds via the maximum principle, and were
derived for the Ricci fl.ow in [9] and [117, 118]. (See also [11] and Section
7 of [63].)
Because the BBS estimates for the Ricci fl.ow are not surprising in that
they follow the natural parabolic scaling in which time scales like distance
squared, we shall postpone our technical discussion of them until Chapter 7.
(Certain local analogues of the BBS estimates will also be discussed in the
planned successor to this volume.) It will be enough for our present needs
to assume the following result from Chapter 7.
THEOREM 6.46 (Theorem 7.1). Let (Mn,g (t)) be a solution of the Ricci

flow for which the maximum principle holds. {This is true for instance if

Mn is compact.) Then for each a > 0 and every m E N, there exists a

constant Cm depending only on m, and n, and max {a, 1 }such that if


!Rm (x, t)l 9 :::; K for all x E Mn and t E [O, K],

for all x E Mn and t E (0, KJ.

As stated above, the BBS derivative estimates deteriorate as t ~ 0. This
is due to the fact that bounds on the Riemann tensor of an initial metric
imply nothing about its derivatives. Furthermore, the BBS estimates above
allow the factors C 7 to grow as the time interval over which we estimate
becomes larger. Because our ultimate goal is to establish long-time existence
of the fl.ow, we want a practical criterion that will let us know when a solution
which exists up to an arbitrarily large time T can be extended past T. We
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