
(jair2018) #1


hence if

t E [-IRm(xi,ti)I (ti - tE:) ,wi)·

Note that Wi _____, w and that

i---->oo .lim IRm (xi, ti)I (ti - tE:) = oo

for any E > 0. So for a pointed limit solution (M~, g 00 (t), xoo) of a sub-
sequence of (Mn, gi ( t) , Xi), we can let i ____, oo and then E ~ 0 in estimate
(8.16) to conclude that
IRmoo (x, t)I :S w

for all x EM~ and t E (- oo,w). Because IRmi(xi,O)I = 1 for all i, the

limit satisfies IRmoo (xoo, O)I = 1.

4.2. Type II limits of Type Ila singularities. An important source
of intuition into the expected behavior of Type Ila singularities is given by
the conjectured degenerate neckpinch described in Section 6 of Chapter 2.
Recall that the Type Ila condition says that

sup JRm (-, t)I (T - t) = oo.
This will allow us to select a sequence of points and times so that the di-
lated solutions have uniformly bounded curvatures on larger and larger time
intervals both forwards and backwards in time.
First choose any sequence of times Ti / T. Given any c E (0, 1), let
(xi, ti) be a sequence of points and times such that ti _____, T and

(8.17) IRm (xi, ti)I (Ti - ti)~ c sup IRm (x, t)J (Ti - t).
In other words, if we were doing Type I rescalings relative to the intervals
[O, Ti], we would choose the curvatures at (xi, ti) to be comparable to their

maxima on Mn x [O, Ti]· Since Ti < T, such points and times always exist.

When Mn is compact, they also exist for c = 1.
Consider the dilated solutions given by (8.81. Condition (8.17) implies
that for

we have
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