induced by the metric. One can also see the cigar's asymptotic approach to
the cylinder in another way: the geodesics in the cigar metric are exactly
those curves "'( ( t) = ( r ( t) , e ( t)) given in polar coordinates by solutions to
the ODE system
e" +
e' r' = 0
r (1 + r^2 )
r" - 1: r2 [ (r')2 + (e')2] = 0.
From this, it is not hard to see that e (t) can be written in the form
e ( t) = a + bt + bit r2d~T)
where a, b E JR are arbitrary constants. In particular, when ro = r (0) is
large, a Euclidean circle of radius ro in JR^2 is close to being geodesic for a
short time.
REMARK 2.5. The cigar soliton is actually a Kahler metric
dz dz
9"'£, = 1 + lzl2
on C ~ JR^2 , and hence a Kahler-Ricci soliton. In fact, the cigar is the simplest
representative of an entire family of Kahler-Ricci solitons that exist on c^2 m
for all m EN and on certain other complex manifolds. Various other metrics
in this family were introduced in the papers [88], [23, 24], and [40]. See
also [77].
REMARK 2.6. The cigar metric on the topological cylinder
C = {(x,y): x E JR and y E JR/Z}
dx^2 + dy^2
1 + e-2x.
The details are left as an easy exercise for the reader.
To write the cigar metric in its natural coordinates on JR^2 , define
s ~ arcsinhr =log (r + ~).
It is easy to see that s represents the metric distance from the origin. Indeed,
dr = cosh s ds = J 1 + r2 ds,
formula (2.5) becomes
(2.7) g"'E, = ds^2 + tanh^2 s dB^2.
Then formula (2.6) becomes
4 4
R"'E,=- - =- - -
l + r^2 cosh^2 s