In the formal limit m = 0, this equation may be applied to model the
thickness u > 0 of a thin lubricating film if one neglects certain fourth-order
effects. (See [19].) Since
lim = logu
m\.O m
for u > 0, the calculation
lim .6 (um -^1 ) = lim [um-^1 .6u + (m - 1) um-^2 [\7u[^2 ]
m\.O m m\.O
= .6u - [\7u[2 = .6logu
u u^2
shows that (2.20) is exactly the limit obtained for m = 0. This connection
between the porous media fl.ow and the Ricci fl.ow in dimension n = 2 was
first made by Sigurd Angenent. (See [128, 129].)
Now let h be the fl.at metric on the manifold M^2 = JR.xS[, where S[ is
the circle of radius 1. Give M^2 coordinates x E JR and () E S[ = JR./27rZ.
The Rosenau solution [111] of the Ricci fl.ow is the metric g = u·h defined
fort< 0 by
2/3 sinh ( -a>.t)
u (x t) = ------
' cosh ax + cosh a>.t
for parameters where a, /3,).. > 0 to be determined. Because u is independent
of (), we have
.6h log u = ox2 log u.
Hence the computations
( 2 _ 23 ) ~u (x t) = _ 2 a(3>. cosha>.t · coshax + 1
at ' (coshax + cosha>.t)^2
- 1 ogu ( x t ) =-a^2 cosha>.t · coshax +^1
ox^2 ' (coshax + cosha>.t)^2
show that u satisfies (2.20) (hence that g =uh solves the Ricci fl.ow on M^2 )
if and only if
(2.25) 2(3).. =a.
Note that the Rosenau solution is ancient but not eternal, since by equation
lim u ( x, t) = 0.
By (2.19), the scalar curvature of g is given by
( 2. 26 ) R [g (t)] = _ .6h log u = a
cosh a>.t · cosh ax+ 1
u 2/3 sinh ( -a>.t) ( cosh ax + cosh a>.t) ·