- Notes and commentary
- Chapter 5. The Ricci flow on surfaces
- l. The effect of a conformal change of metric
- Evolution of the curvature
- How Ricci solitons help us estimate the curvature from above
- Uniqueness of Ricci solitons
- Convergence when x (M^2 ) <
- Convergence when x (M^2 ) =
- Strategy for the case that x (M^2 > 0)
- Surface entropy
- Uniform upper bounds for Rand IV' RI
- Differential Harnack estimates of LYH type
- Convergence when R (-, 0) >
- 12 A lower bound for the injectivity radius
- The case that R (-, 0) changes sign
- 14 Monotonicity of the isoperimetric constant
- 15 An alternative strategy for the case x (M^2 > 0)
- Notes and commentary
- Chapter 6. Three-manifolds of positive Ricci curvature
- l. The evolution of curvature under the Ricci flow
- Uhlenbeck's trick
- The structure of the curvature evolution equation
- Reduction to the associated ODE system
- Local pinching estimates
- The gradient estimate for the scalar curvature
- Higher derivative estimates and long-time existence
- Finite-time blowup
- Properties of the normalized Ricci flow
- Exponential convergence
- Notes and commentary
- Chapter 7. Derivative estimates
- l. Global estimates and their consequences
- Proving the global estimates
- The Compactness Theorem
- Notes and commentary
- Chapter 8. Singularities and the limits of their dilations
- Classifying maximal solutions
- Singularity models
- Parabolic dilations
- Dilations of finite-time singularities
- Dilations of infinite-time singularities
- Taking limits backwards in time
- Notes and commentary CONTENTS v
- Chapter 9. Type I singularities
- Intuition
- Positive curvature is preserved
- Positive sectional curvature dominates
- Necklike points in finite-time singularities
- Necklike points in ancient solutions
- Type I ancient solutions on surfaces
- Notes and commentary
- Appendix A The Ricci calculus
- Component representations of tensor fields
- First-order differential operators on tensors
- First-order differential operators on forms
- Second-order differential operators
- Notation for higher derivatives
- Commuting covariant derivatives
- Notes and commentary
- Appendix B. Some results in comparison geometry
- Some results in local geometry
- Distinguishing between local geometry and global geometry
- Busemann functions
- Estimating injectivity radius in positive curvature
- Notes and commentary
- Bibliography
- Index