
(jair2018) #1

3. Shrinking breathers are shrinking gradient Ricci solitons

Let (Mn,g(t)), t E [O,T), be a shrinking Ricci breather on a closed
manifold with g(t 2 ) = a<I>*g(t1), where t2 >ti and a E (0, 1). As discussed
at the beginning of Section 1 of this chapter, we only need to show that when
>..(g(t)) > 0 for all t E [t 1 , t 2 ], the shrinking breather is a shrinking Ricci
soliton. By Koiso's examples (subsection 7.2 of Chapter 2), such solutions
need not be Einstein.
In this section we give two variations on the proof that shrinking breathers
on closed manifolds are shrinking gradient solitons. The first proof, which
also appears in Hsu [208], involves fewer technicalities in that it uses μ in-
stead of v. The first proof also does not use the assumption>.. (g(t)) > 0. On
the other hand, the second proof requires some knowledge of the asymptotic
behavior of μ.

3.1. First proof using functional μ. The following result of Perel-

man rules out periodic orbits for the Ricci flow in the space of metrics
modulo diffeomorphisms and scalings.

THEOREM 6.29 (Shrinking breathers are gradient solitons). A shrinking
breather for the Ricci flow on a closed manifold must be a gradient shrinking
Ricci soliton.

FIRST PROOF. Let (M, g(t)) be a shrinking Ricci breather with g(t2) =
a<I>*g(ti), where t2 >ti and a E (0, 1). Define

so that ~; = -1,

T (t) =. t2 1 - at1 _ t '

t2 -ti
T (t2) =Cl! l -a ,

and T (t2) = ar (ti). By Lemma 6.24, there is a minimizer fz for

{W(g (t2), f, T (t2)) : f E C^00 (M) satisfies (g, f, r) EX},

so that W(g(t2),Jz,r(t2)) = μ(g(t2),r(t2)). Define f(t) to solve (6.15)

on [t1, t2] with f (t2) = fz. By the monotonicity formula (6.17) and the
definition of μ, we have

μ (g (ti), T (ti)) SW (g (t1), f (ti), T (t1)) SW (g (t), f (t), T (t))
SW (g (t2), Jz, T (t2)) = μ (g (t2), T (t2))

for all t E [t1, t2] · Since g(t1) = a*g(t2) and T (t 2 ) = ar (t1), by the
diffeomorphism and scale invariance of μ, we have

μ (g (t1), T (t1)) = μ (g (t2), T (t2)).

This and the fact that W (g (t), f (t), T (t)) is monotone implies

W (g ( t) , f ( t) , r ( t)) = μ (g ( t) , r ( t)) = const

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