
(jair2018) #1

Lipschitz functions and other aspects of real analysis on IRn· is the book by
Evans and Gariepy [139]. Many of the results in their book easily extend
to Riemannian manifolds; when this is the case, we state the extensions

without proof. In this section w~ shall assume that (M.n, g) is a complete

Riemannian manifold.

9.1. Locally Lipschitz functions. Recall the definition of differentia-
bility on Riemannian manifolds.

DEFINITION 7.108 (Differentiable function). A function f : M _,IR is

differentiable at p E M if there exists a linear map

Lp: TpM _,IR

such that
lim If (expP (X)) - f (p) - Lp (X)I = O.
X->0 IXI
When this is the case, by definition we write

If (expP (X)) - f (p) - Lp (X)I = o (IXI) as X _, 0.

This implies for every X E TpM that the directional derivative

Dxf =:= lim f (expP (sX)) - f (p) = Lp (X)
s-+O s

REMARK 7.109. Note that differentiability can be defined more generally
for differentiable manifolds, but in the definition above we chose to endow
the manifold with a Riemannian metric.

Now we list three results in Evans and Gariepy's book. The first is
Theorem 2 in §3.1.2 on p. 81 of [139].

LEMMA 7.110 (Rademacher's Theorem). Let (M.,g) be a Riemannian
manifold. If f : M _, IR is a locally Lipschitz function, then f is differen-
tiable almost everywhere with respect to the Riemannian (Lebesgue) measure.

Secondly, Theorem 5 in §4.2.3 on p. 131 of [139].

LEMMA 7.111 (Locally Lipschitz is equivalent to being in Wi~';i). Let

U be an open set in a Riemannian manifold ( M, g). Then f :. U _, IR is

locally Lipschitz if and only if f E W 1 ~';i (U).

Thirdly, Theorem 2 in §2.4.2 on p. 76 of [139].
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