(iii) A continuous function f : M ---+ R is said to satisfy D.f :::; k in
the viscosity sense for some continuous function k if for every
p E M and any C^2 function <p : U ---+ R on some neighborhood
of p satisfying <p (p) = f (p), f (x) ~ <p (x) for all x E U, we have
(iv) A continuous function f : M ---+ R is called a supersolution of
D.f :::; k for some continuous function k if for every p E M, any
r < i inj (p) , and every 02 function <p on B (p, r) with D.<p = k and
'PlaB(p,r) = flaB(p,r) we have <p:::; f on B (p,r).
Now we can prove the following.
LEMMA 7.125 (Equivalence of notions of supersolution). Let k : M ---+ R
be a continuous function.
(i) Let f: M ---+ R be a continuous function with Hess supp (f) :::; Gp <
oo on B (p,! inj (p)) for each p E M. Suppose that for each q E
B (p,! inj (p)) there is a local upper barrier function <pq for f near
q satisfying l'V'Pql (q) :::; Gp< 00. We have for any <p E c~ (M)
(7.145) JM f D.<pdμ9 :::; JM D.f · <pdμ9.
In particular if D.f :::; k in the support sense, then f satisfies D.f :::;
k in the weak sense.
(ii) f satisfying D.f :::; k in the weak sense is equivalent to f satisfying
D.f :::; k in the viscosity sense; they are both equivalent to f being
a supersolution of D.f :::; k.
PROOF. (i) Let 'ljJ be a 02 function on M. Then having D.f:::; kin the
support sense is equivalent to D. (f + 'ljJ) :::; k + D.'lj.J in the support sense,
and D.f :::; k in the weak sense is equivalent to D. (f + 'ljJ) :::; k + D.'lj.J in the
weak sense. We use a partition of unity {</>a} to rewrite <p = 2-:'P<Pa, so
that we only need to verify inequality (7.145) and (7.144) when <p has small
compact support, say in B (p, !r) for some p E M, where r < min { 1, injJp)}
as determined by Lemma 7.122(iii). From Lemma 7.122(iii) and by adding
to f another concave 02 function if necessary, we may assume that f ( q)
satisfies Hess supp (f) :::; -1 on B (p, r) and that f ( x) is a concave function
on Bp (r) C TpM in normal coordinates {xi} on B (p, r).
From Lemma 7.117(ii) and Lemma 7.119(ii), there are smooth func-
tions fc ( x) such that f c ( x) ---+ f ( x) uniformly on Bp ( 1r) , ( a~:t~j ( x)) ---+
D^2 f (x) for x a.e. on Bp (1r). By Lemma 7.119(iii), (a~:£~j (x)):::; 0 for
all x E Bp (1r). Hence for any 81 > 0 and any 02 -test function <p sup-
. ported in Bp ( !r) , there exist a sequence E:k ---+ O+ and a set W 01 c Bp ( !r)
with meas (W 01 ) :::; 81 such that (
f;t ( x)) ---+ D f ( x) and ( ::i~;j ( x)) ---+