1.1. Perelman's entropy and its associated invariants.
In this subsection we recall some basic facts regarding Perelman's energy
and entropy functionals, including the logarithmic Sobolev inequality, which
shall be used in this chapter.
1.1.1. Energy, entropy, and their minimizers.
Let g be a C^00 Riemannian metric on a closed manifold Mn, let J : M --+
~be a C^00 function, and let T E (0, oo). Perelman's energy functional is
defined by (see (5.1) in Part I)
(17.1) F (g, J) ~JM ( R + l\7 Jl^2 ) e-f dμ =JM (R + b.J) e-f dμ.
We may rewrite F as
(17.2) F(g,f)= jM(Rv^2 +4l\7vl^2 )dμ~Q(g,v),
where v ~ e-f/^2. The associated >.-invariant is (see (5.45) in Part I)
(17.3) >.(g) ~inf {F(g,J): J E C^00 (M), JM e-fdμ= 1}
=inf { Q(g,v): JM v^2 dμ = 1}.
There exists a unique C^00 minimizer Jo of F(g, J) subject to the constraint
JM e-f dμ = 1. Moreover, Jo satisfies the Euler-Lagrange equation (see
Lemma 5.23 in Part I)
(17.4) 2b.Jo -1\7 Jol^2 + R = >. (g).
Perelman's entropy functional Wis given by (see (6.1) in Part I)
We may rewrite W as
W(g,J,T)= r (T(Rw2+4l\7wl2) )dμ
JM -(log (w^2 ) + ~ log(4nT) + n) w^2
(17.7) ~K(g,w,T).
Recall that the associated μ-invariant is defined by (see (6.49) in Part I)