
(jair2018) #1


endowed with the subspace metric, which we denote by ds(p,s)· The metric
ds(p,s) gives us the induced intrinsic metric defined by (see (G.6))
(I.15) ds(p ' s) ~ dcd S(p,s).

We consider S (p, s) with the metric ds(p,s). It is easy to see that ds(p,s) (x, y)
is finite if and only if x and y lie in the same component of S (p, s). When
S (p, s) is ,smooth, ds(p,s) is the same a~ the distance induced by the Rie-
mannian metric gJs(p,s) on S (p, s).
For intuition we note the (trivial) model case.

REMARK I.28 (Euclidean space). Given a point 0 (considered as the
origin) in Euclidean space, for any s, t E (0, oo) there are natural maps <p~t:
S ( 0, s) --+ S ( 0, t) given by identifying points which lie on the same ray e~-
anating from O. Themaps<p~t: (s(O,s),~ds(o,s))-+ (s(O,t),fds(O,t))
are isometries.
The following is the main result of this section.

PROPOSITION I.29 (Distance nonincreasing maps between small geodesic
spheres). Let (Mn, g) be a complete Riemannian manifold with nonnegative

sectional curvature. Given p E M, for any s :::; t :::; u < inj (p),

(1) the map

(I.16) 'Ps,t : ( S (p, s) , ~ds(p,s) )--+ (s (p, t) , tds(p,t)),

defined by (I.14), is distance nonincreasing and
(I.17) 'Pt,u o 'Ps,t = 'Ps,u·

FIRST PROOF. The composition property (I.17) of <p 8 ,t follows directly
from (I.14). Below we shall argue using Jacobi fields and the Rauch compar-
ison theorem that 'Ps,t in (I.16) is distance nonincreasing for s:::; t <-inj (p).
Let x, y ES (p, s) be arbitrary points and let

f3: [O, p].-+ S (p, s),

where p ~ ds(p,s) (x, y), be a minimal geodesic, with respect to the (smooth)
induced Rierhannian ·metric on S (p, s), satisfying (3 (0) = x and (3 (p) = y.
For every u E [O, p], let · ,
au : [O, t] --+ M
be the unique unit speed minimal geodesic with au ( 0) = p and au ( s)
f3 ( u). Consider the path
'Y : [O, p] --+ S (p, t)
defined by
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