Our interest in Lipschitz hypersurfaces stems from the following. ·For
the definition of topological end, see p. 143 of Benedetti and Petronio
PROPOSITION I.41 (Large radii distance spheres are Lipschitz hypersur-
faces). Let (Mn, g) be a complete noncompact manifold with nonnegative
sectional curvature. For s sufficiently large, we have the following.
(i) The distance sphere S (p, s) is a Lipschitz hypersurface.
(ii) The length space ( S (p, s) , .Cds(p,s)) is complete.
(iii) The number of components of S (p, s) is equal to the number of
topological ends of ( M, g). In particular, if ( M, g) has exactly one
topological end, then S (p, s) is connected for s sufficiently large.
PROOF. First we shall prove that if x is a regular point of r, then there
is an open neighborhood W of x such that S (p, r (x)) n W is a Lipschitz
By Lemma I.33, if x is a (~-)regular point of r, then there exists an
open neighborhood U of x, a smooth unit vector field V defined on U, and
an c: > 0 such that for every y E U we have
(I.38) L (V (y), W) :::; 2 - c:
for all WE (\7 *r) (y).
Let 'Y be an integral curve of Vin U with 'Y (0) = y for some pointy EU.
By the proof of Exercise I.35, we may deduce
r ('Y (s)) - r (y) 2:: sine:· s
for alls E (0, 6 (y)] and some 6 (y) > 0. In fact,
(I.39) r ('Y (t2)) - r ('Y (ti)) 2:: sine:· (t2 - ti)
for any ti < t2 in the domain of 'Y.11
Now let tin-l CU be a smooth hypersurface which passes through x and
which is transversal to V,^12 i.e., for every y E ti we have Ty ti+ ~V (y) =
TyM. Near x, by using V, we shall write S (p, r (x)) as a 'graph' over ti.
It follows from (I.39) that there exists an open neighborhood V c U of
x such that for every point y E ti n V,^13 the maximal integral curve
'Yy: (ay, by) ---t V
to Vin V, with 'Yy (0) = y, also intersects r-^1 (r (x)) = S (p, r (x)) at exactly
one point; call this point <P (y). That is, we have defined a map
<P: tin V ---t S (p, r (x)) n V,
where the image <P (tin V) is an open subset of S (p, r (x)).
(^11) We leave it as an exercise to verify (I.39).
(^12) For example, we can take 1-ln-l to be the image of a small (n - 1)-ball in Vi of
(^13) Note that 1-l n Vis nonempty since x E 1-l n V.