In this section, we want to study the linear stability of the Ricci flow. However,
as we have seen in the discussion of short-t ime existence for the Ricci flow in
Chapter 3 of Volume One, the linearization D^2 F( u) is not quite elliptic. Therefore,
we determine the stability of the Ricci flow indirectly, by analyzing the spectrum
of the linearization of the equivalent Ricci- DeTurck flow. (The use of the Ricci-
DeTurck flow to study Ricci flow is in many ways similar to the practice of imposing
the Lorentz gauge on the Yang- Mills equations, the wave gauge on the Einstein
equ ations, or the Bianchi gauge in the elliptic context.^1 )
1.1. Spaces and operators.
To begin, let us fix some notation. The reader may reference this section as
Given a closed, connected smooth manifold Mn, we denote by S^2 (Mn) the
bundle of symmetric (2, 0)-tensors over Mn, and by S! (Mn) the subset of positive-
definite t ensors. For convenience, we write
We denote by AP~ AP (T* M) the bundle of p-forms on Mn and by DP~ c= (AP)
the space of differential p-forms.
A smooth Riemannian metric g is an element of 5!. Given g with volume form
dμ, we let /j = /jg : 52 ~ D^1 denote the ("divergence") map^2
/j: h H Jh = -gij '\l ihjk dxk,
whose formal adjoint under the L^2 inner product,
c ,. ) ~ r c ,. i dμ,
is the ( "Killing") map J* = J; : D^1 ~ 52 given by
1 1..
6* : w r--+ 2,Lwug = 2 ('Viwj + 'Vjwi) dx' 0 dx^1.
Here L is the Lie derivative, and wij is the vector field metrically isomorphic to w.
We also denote by /j =/jg the map DP~ DP-l formally adjoint to d: DP ~ DP+1;
the meaning should be clear from the context.
It is well known that 52 with the c=-topology is a Frechet space and that 5! c
52 is an open convex cone. There is a natural right action of the group '.D (Mn)
of smooth diffeomorphisms of Mn on 5!' given by ( h, <p) H <p h. For purposes
of studying geometrically distinct metrics on Mn, we identify diffeomorphically
equivalent metrics and regard 5! as a union of orbits Og under diffeomorphism.
Ebin's Slice Theorem [97] shows that, viewed in this way, 5i has many properties of
an infinite-dimensional manifold. The theorem states that for any metric g, there is
a map x: U ~ '.D (Mn) ofa neighborhood U of gin Og such that (x (<pg)) g = <pg
for all <p g E U, and there is a submanifold r of 5i containing g such that the
map U X r ~ 5! given by ( <p g , ')') H (X ( <p g) ) ')' is a diffeomorphism onto a
neighborhood of g in 5!.
(^1) Note, however, that in the Yang- Mills and Einstein cases, imposing the Lorentz or the wave
gauge involves setting restrictions on the fields and their derivatives without changing the field
equations themselves, while the Ricci-DeTurck fl.ow involves an evolution equation that is different
from Ricci fl.ow itself.
(^2) Note that 8 = -div.