
(jair2018) #1

The same authors also prove an instability result that demonstrates that the
local maximizer hypothesis of the above theorem is natural. (As noted above,
Sesum's integrability condition is a special case of this.)

THEOREM 35.42. L et (Mn, g) be a compact Ricci-fiat manifold. If (g) is not a
local maximizer of>., then there exists a nontrivial ancient Ricci flow {g(t) }tE(-=,OJ
that converges (modulo diffeomorphisms) to g fort-+ -oo.
4.3. Dynamic stability of noncompact flat space.
Lang-Fang Wu has shown that under certain conditions on the initial data,
Ricci flow originating at a complete metric on JR^2 exists for all time and approaches
a soliton solution [440]. An alternate approach has been used by Schniirer, Schulze,
and Simon, who consider C 0 -small perturbations of Euclidean space [346]. They
show that if the space is asymptotically Euclidean, then solutions of a coupled Ricci-
harmonic heat flow exist for all time and converge uniformly to the fiat Euclidean
metric. Some of their results have been improved by Koch and Lamm [165], who
prove the existence of global analytic solutions of Ricci- DeTurck flow on Euclidean
space for bounded initial metrics that are L = close to the fiat Euclidean metric.
4.4. Dynamic stability of negatively curved spaces.
Ye has studied asymptotic stability of Ricci flow [449] for certain geometries.
He considers compact manifolds (Mn,g) with n 2 3 on which the self-adjoint
elliptic operator

L: h iJ H D..LhiJ + Rj k + -;;,Rgj^1 k) hik
has strictly negative spectrum. This occurs, for example, at a metric of negative
sectional curvature whose Ricci eigenvalues are sufficiently pinched, or at a metric of
negative scalar curvature whose sectional curvatures are sufficiently pinched. Ye's
approach requires certain hypotheses on diameter, volume, and the L^2 -norm of the
(traceless) Ricci tensor- but does not require a priori knowledge of the existence
of a hyperbolic metric.
In dimensions n 2 6, Li and Yin prove stability of the constant curvature metric
on IH!n under small perturbations that decay sufficiently quickly at spatial infinity
[186]. (Smallness here is measured by a technical condition related to Ye's work.)
Schniirer, Schulze, and Simon prove a similar result for coupled Ricci-harmonic map
flow, assuming perturbations that are bounded in L^2 and small in c^0 [347]. More
generally, Bamler establishes stability for noncompact symmetric spaces evolving by
Ricci flow [18]; this strengthens the Schniirer, Schulze, and Simon result for IH!n by
imposing weaker assumptions on the perturbation. Bamler also proves that finite-
volume noncompact hyperbolic manifolds of dimensions n 2 3 are stable under a
rescaled Ricci flow, without imposing any decay on the perturbation [17].

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