By this and (27.10), we obtain for c E JR,
2 nc^2
- 1 (R - eel) ::::; --;;,R^2 + cRel::::;
e^2 I.
Using 6. 1 (e^2 1) = 2e^21 (1 - 2R), we compute for any constant b E JR tha t
(27.68) (nc
6.1 (R - eel - be^2 1) ::::; S -2b + 4bR ) e^2 1.
Given b, c > 0 to be chosen below, suppose that R-cel -be^21 is negative somewhere.
Then, since R 2 0 by Theorem 27.2(1) and since limx->oo el(x) = 0 by hypothesis,
a negative minimum of R - eel - be^21 is attained at some point. By (27.68) and
the maximum principle, at such a point we have
nc^2 nc^2
0 :S S -2b + 4bR < S -2b + 4b ( c + b)
since f::::; 0. Given c E (0 , ~], the minimizing choice b =^1 ~^2 c yields (i-,;cl
< nf.
With this choice of b, we obtain a contradiction by then choosing c = vfi+ 2. 0
R 2729 D h · l' (m>2 dx
(^2) +d1/) h R I h
EMARK.. ror t e cigar so 1ton m. , i+x 2 +y 2 we ave = e , w ere
f ( x, y) = - ln ( 1 + x^2 + y^2 ).
4. Volume growth of shrinking gradient Ricci solitons
In this section we discuss the asymptotic volume ratio of noncompact shrinkers,
including a Euclidean upper bound for their volume growth. We consider two
approaches: sublevel sets of the potential function and the Riccati equation along
4.1. A differential identity for the volume ratio of sublevel sets.
Given a complete noncompact Riemannian manifold (Nn, h) and a basepoint
6 EN, the asymptotic volume ratio (AVR) is defined by
(27.69) AVR(h) ~ lim VolBa(r),
r->oo Wnrn
provided the limit exists, where wn is the volume of the unit Euclidean n-ball. If
Re 2 0, then AVR(h) E [O, l] exists by the Bishop volume comparison theorem. In
general, whenever the AVR exists, it is independent of 6.
In the sublevel set approach, we shall need the co-area formula (see Schoen and
Yau [355, p. 89] or Lemma 5.4 of [77] for example), which says the following.
PROPOSITION 27.30 (Co-area formula). Let (Mn, g) be a compact manifold
with or without boundary. If f is a Lipschitz function and if h is an L^1 function
or a nonnegative measurable function, then
j hl'Vfldμ=1
def hdu,
M -oo {/=c}
where dμ is the Riemannian measure on M and where du is the induced measure
on {f = c}.