
(jair2018) #1

2m(B/CB(Vh)) = m(Vh/Cvn(B))

for each h EH with [Vh,B] =f. 1, m(A/B) = m(Ui/Cu;(A)), and CuH(A)
(4) Define
m := min{m(D): DE Q(AutM(V), V)}.
Then m(A/ B) ::;:: m.
(5) Assume 02 (CM(Z)) S:: CM(V). Then H/CH(Ui) ~ 83 , 83 wr Z 2 , 85 , or

85 wr Z2, with Ui the direct sum of the natural modules [Ui, F], as F varies over

the 83-factors or 85-factors of H/CH(Ui)· Further J(H)CH(Ui)/CH(Ui) ~ 83,

83 x 83, 85, or 85 x 85, respectively.

(6) Assume that each {2, 3}'-subgroup of CM(Z) permuting with T centralizes

V, m :::0: 2, and each subgroup of order 3 in CM(Z) has at least three noncentral

chief factors on V. Then H/CH(Ui) ~ 83 wr Z 2 •

PROOF. Observe that hypothesis (a) implies:

(a') Vis not an FF-module for M 0.

We will first show that (a') and (b)-(d) lead to the hypotheses of the qrc-lemma


Set R := CT(V). By (a'), J(T) s; CT(V) = R. Thus the hypothesis of Theorem

3.1.7 holds, and by B.2.3.3, J(T) = J(R).

Next by (b), there is no 1 =f. Ros; R with Ro :::::) (M 0 ,H). Thus conclusion

(1) of Theorem 3.1.7 holds, so that Z :S Z(H), and in particular H n M s;·ca(Z).

Further J(T) is not normal in H, so we conclude from that His a minimal

parabolic in the sense of Definition B.6.1. Also (as at the start of the proof of

Theorem 3.1.6) Hypothesis D.1.1 holds with M 0 , Hin the roles of "G 1 , G 2 ". Thus

we can appeal to results in section D.l, and in particular to the qrc-lemma D.1.5.

Observe that (c) rules out conclusion (1) of D.1.5, and (a') and (d) rule out

conclusions (2) and (3), respectively. We rule out conclusion (5) of D.1.5 just as in

the proof of 3.1.6, using (c) to eliminate case (i) in that proof. Thus conclusion (4)

of D.1.5 holds, so UH is abelian, and H has more than one noncentral chi~f factor

on UH. This last condition together with (c) and (a') are the hypotheses of D.1.3.
Furthermore (a') gives the hypothesis of D.1.2, so by part (4) of that result, His a
minimal parabolic in the sense of Definition B.6.1, and is described in B.6.8.
Next (a) supplies the hypothesis of part (3) of D.1.3. Then (1) follows from

D.1.3.3. We saw earlier that J(T) = J(R), so by D.1.3.2 there is A E A(T) with

A 1:. 02 (H) and A quadratic on UH. Indeed from the proof ofD.1.3.2, our choice of
A E A(T)-A( 02 ( H)) with A0 2 ( H) / 02 ( H) minimal guarantees that A is quadratic
on UH, and that B :=An 02(H) = CA(Ui) for i = 1, 2. Thus (2) holds, and D.1.3
establishes the remaining assertions of (3).
By (3), m(Vh /Cvn(B)) = 2m(B/CB(Vh)), and Bis quadratic on Vh by (2),

so AutB(Vh) E Q(AutMn(Vh), Vh) by (a). Thus

m S:: m(B/CB(Vh)) S:: m(B/CB(UH)) = m(A/B),

establishing (4).
Set H := H/CH(Ui)· As His irreducible on Ui, 02(H) = 1, so Ui E R2(H).
As B = CA(Ui) and m(A/B) = m(Ui/Cu;(A)) by (3), A~ A/Bis anFF-offender
on ui. Therefore by B.6.9, H =YT where y := J(H, V), Y =Yi x ... x YB*, and

Ui = Ui,l EB··· EB Ui,s with Ui,j the natural module for Y/ ~ L 2 (2n) or 82 k+i· By
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