
(jair2018) #1

automophism nontrivial on the Dynkin diagram. Finally we eliminate the cases in
part (iii) of B.4.5, via an appeal to Theorem For in these cases, q > 2 = q

in the notation of B.4.5. As q > 2, case (i) of does not hold. But V is a

TI-set under M by 3.2.7, so as q = 2, case (ii) of does not hold either, a
contradiction. D

In our final result on the Fundamental Setup, we collect some useful properties

that hold when J(T) $ CT(V)-and hence in particular under the hypotheses of

3.2.9 where Vis not an FF-module.
Recall that Ji (T) appears in Definition B.2.2, Further n(X) appears in E.1.6,
r(G, V+) in E.3.3, and Wo(T, V+) in E.3.13.

PROPOSITION 3.2.10. Assume the Fundamental Setup (3.2.1). Set V+ := V,

except in case (3.c.iii) of 3.2.6, where we take V+ := VM. Assume J(T) $ CT(V+)·


(1) Na(J(T)) $ M.

(2) NM(V+) controls fusion in V+.
(3) For each U $ V+, Na(U) is transitive on {v+ : U $ V+}.

(4) For each U $ V+, INa(U): NM(U)I is odd.

(5) If U $ V+ with (V:a(U)) abelian, then [V+, V+J = 1 for all g E G with


(6) Suppose U $ V+ with V+ $ 02(Na(U)), and either

(a) [V+, Wo(T, V+)] = 1, or
(b) V+ is not an FF-module for AutLaT(V+)·

Then [V+, v+J = 1 for each g E G with U $ v+.

(7) If Ji(T) $ CT(V+) and r(G, V+) > 1, then n(H) > 1 for each H E


(8) If J(T) $SE S2(G), then J(T) = J(S) and so Na(S) $ M.

(9) Cz(Lo) = 1 = Cv+(Lo).

PROOF. By 3.2.3, M = !M(LoT). We have CT(V+) $ CT(V) = 02(LoT) by Hence as J(T) $ CT(V+) by hypothesis, using B.2.3.3,

J(T) = J(CT(V+)) = J(02(LoT)) ::::! LoT,

so that (1) 4olds. Notice the same argument establishes (8). Further Z(LoT) = 1

by Theorem, so (9) follows.

Observe that V+ is a TI-set under M: This holds in case (3.c.iii) of 3.2.6 as

V+ = V M is normal in M in that case, and in the remaining case V+ = V is a TI-set
under M by 3.2. 7.

Also V+ $ E := Q 1 (Z(J(T))). As J(T) is weakly closed in T, by Burnside's

Fusion Lemma A.1.35, Na(J(T)) controls fusion in E and hence in V+. Thus as

V+ is a TI-subgroup under M, (1) implies (2). Then (2) implies (3) using A.1.7.1.

Let,U $ V+ and SE Syl2(NM(U)). As J(T) $ Ca(V+) by hypothesis, we may

assume J(T) $ S. Then Na(S) $ M by (8), so SE Syl2(Na(U)), establishing (4).

Assume the hypotheses of (5), and let U $ v+. By (3), we may take g E Na(U);

then as w:a(U)) is abelian by hypothesis, [V+, V+J = 1-so that (5) is established.

Assume the hypotheses of (6). Then V+ $ 02 (Na(U)), so (V:a(U)) $ Wo(T, V+)·

Hence if [V+, Wo(T, V+)] = 1 as in (6a), then w:a(U)) $ CT(V+), so w:a(U)) is
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