
(jair2018) #1

The case £r(G, T) = 0

In this chapter, we complete the treatment of the case £1(G, T) empty. Since

the previous chapter completed the analysis of the case £j(G, T) nonempty, this

chapter will complete the proof of our Main Theorem.

Initially we assume Hypothesis 14.1.5, introduced at the start of the previous

chapter, with M := Mf. Recall that V(M) is defined just before 14.1.2: as men-

tioned in section A.5, in this chapter we are deviating from our usual meaning

of V(M) in definition A.4.7, instead using the meaning in notation A.5.1, namely

V(M) := (ZM). In the first two sections of this chapter, we reduce to the case

where Mand V := V(M) satisfy m(V) = 4 and M/0 2 (M) ~ ot(V). We treat

that final difficult case in the third section. The fourth section then treats the

remaining subcase of the case £1( G, T) empty when Hypothesis 14.1.5 is not sat-

isfied; this subcase quickly reduces to the situation £( G, T) empty, or equivalently

each member of H(T) is solvable.

15.1. Initial reductions when £r(G, T) is empty

In this section, and indeed until the final section of this chapter, we assume

Hypothesis 14.1.5. This Hypothesis isolates the most important subcase of the case

£, f ( G, T) empty, and was already introduced at the beginning of the previous chap-

ter. Recall Hypothesis 14.1.5 includes the assumption that IM(T)I > 1, which is

appropriate in view of Theorem 2.1.1. Hypothesis 14.1.5 also includes the assump-

tion that there is a unique maximal 2-local Mc containing the centralizer in G of

Z := D1(Z(T)); that is,

Mc= !M(Cc(Z)).

The case where this condition fails will be treated in the final section of the chapter;

in that case Hypothesis of the final section is satisfied.

By, there is M := M1 E M(T) - {Mc}, which is maximal under the

partial order:::_, on M(T) of Definition A.5.2, and Mis the unique maximal member

of M(T) - {Mc} under ::::.,_ As in Definition A.5.8, set V(M) := (ZM); as usual

V(M) E R 2 (M) by B.2.14.

The uniqueness theorems in A.5.7, for overgroups of T in M which cover

M/CM(V(M)), replace the uniqueness theorems for members of £j(G, T), used

in the treatement of the Fundamental Setup (3.2.1), which are no longer available
as £1(G, T) is empty.

LEMMA 15.1.1. Set V := V(M), R := Cr(V), and M := AutM(V). Then

(1) Case (II) of Hypothesis 3.1.5 is satisfied with NM(R) in the role of "Mo",

and any H E H* (T, M).

(2) ij(M, V) ::; 2, and if q(M, V) > 2 then ij(Mi V) < 2.
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