
(jair2018) #1

Tv corresponding to the vertices v of the lattice: Y< = exp(Tv+ -Tv_) where v+ and

v_ are respectively the head and the tail of the edge E. In particular, the variables
Tv corresponding to all under-diagonal vertices form a coordinate system on the
covering of the complex torus Yq. We put

Wq = AvdTv

and define f q as the restriction to Yq of the function

f = L Y< = L eTv+(<)-Tv_(<).
all edges E

Theorem 5. 1.^1 Complex oscillating integrals

I = r efq/nWq

satisfy the differential equations D 1 I =. .. = Dr+il = 0 where Di(!iq8/8q,q) are
the quantum conservation laws of the quantum Toda lattice associated with the
group SLn+l·

Corollary 5 .2. The family (Yq, fq) generates in T* B the invariant Lagrangian

variety D 1 (p,q) = ... = Dr+ 1 (p,q) = 0 of the classical Toda lattice.

Exercise. Check that in the case r = 1 the theorem agrees with t he example of

the mirror partner for CP^1.

Even the corollary is not quite obvious. We will prove it by induction on
the number of diagonals in our 2-dimensional lattice. Let us recall that that the
operator D := ,>..r+l+D 1 >..r + ... +Dr+l is the characteristic polynomial of the matrix

introduced in the section 3. Denote t 0 , ti, ... tr the vertex variables Tv corresponding

to the diagonal vertices. Since of /ati =Vi - Ui+l and qi= UiVi, we need to prove

that the characteristic polynomial of the following matrix equals ,>..n+l at critical
points of fq:

-U1 U1V1 0


-1 V1 - U2 U2V2 0

Ar+1 =^0 -1 V2 - U3 U3V3

0 - 1

The matrix Ar+l factors into the product UV of the following square matrices:

U1^0 - 1 V1 0

(^1) U2 0 0 - 1 V2 0
(^0 1) U3 0

0 0 -1 V3 0

(^0 1) Ur 0 0 - 1 Vr
0 1 0 0 - 1
(^1) See A. Givental, Stationary phase integrals, quantum Toda lattices, fiag manifolds and the mirror

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