
(jair2018) #1
Intersection homology;
Nearby cycles;
Vanishing cycles;


Solutions of regular holonomic D-modules;
Z on complete intersections.


The theory of perverse sheaves has numerous applications in representation
theory, algebraic geometry, and other fields.
We conclude these lectures with a conjecture. Let S 1 and S 2 be two complex
stratifications of a complex manifold X. Assume they are transverse to each other.
Let F 1 and F2 be perverse sheaves constructible with respect to S 1 and S2. In this
situation, one can define a tensor product perverse sheaf F 1 © F 2 on X.

Conjecture. The global homology groups Hi(X; F 1 © F2) can be computed as
Floer homology of (-l).Ch(xF1) and Ch(xF2).

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