106 Basic Concepts of the Theory of Difference Schemes
- Eigenvalue problems with boundary conditions of the second and third
kinds. We now turn to the second eigenvalue problen1
(23) u11 + >-u = 0, O<x<l, u^1 (0)=1/(l)=O, u(x)f=-0.
With the relations ux,o = 1t1(0)+ thu//(O)+O(h^2 ) = -th>-u(O)+O(h^2 ) and
ux,O + th>-u(O) = O(h^2 ) in view, we approximate the boundary conditions
with accuracy O(h^2 ), leading to the second boundary-value problem on
Yxx+>-y(x)=O, x -- ih ) i = 1, 2, ... , N - 1, h = ~,
Yx,o + t hAYo = 0,
In such a setting it is required to find the values of the parameter A
such that these homogeneous equations have nontrivial solutions y(x) f=- 0.
In contrast to the first boundary-value problem, here the parameter A enters
not only the governing equation, but also the boundary conditions. The
introduction of new sensible notations
- h vx for x=O '
(25) Av= -Vix for x -- ih ' O<i<N, )
h ·ux for x = l )
is connected with setting problem (24) in the operator form
(26) Ay = >-y,
where the operator A acts in the space H = Q comprising all the functions
y(x) defined on the grid wh = {x; = ih, i = 0, 1, ... , N}.
We introduce in that space the inner product
[y,v]= L y;u;h+~(y 0 u 0 +yNvN)
and show that the operator A is self-adjoint and nonnegative. By definition,
this means that
[Ay, v] = [y, Av],
[Ay,y]>O for any y EH.