
(jair2018) #1
188 Homogeneous Difference Schemes

vVhen r = Rone of the usual boundary conditions applies here, for instance,

(28) u(R) = μ 2.

Let u 1 (r) and u 2 (r) be linearly independent solutions to equation (26),
u 1 ( r) being bounded for r E [O, R]. A brief survey of their properties 1s
presented below.
1) If q(O) and f(O) are finite, then u 1 (0) #- 0 and u~ (0) = 0.
2) If q(r), f(r) E C(^2 l[o, R] and k(r) E C(^3 l[o, R], then the derivatives
u' 1' u^11 J' u( 1 3 ) and t/ 1 4 ) are bounded for 0 < - r < - R.
3) The second solution u 2 (r) of equation (26), which is linearly inde-
pendent of u 1 ( r), has a logarithmic singularity at the point r = 0.
Conditions (27) and (28) together provide the existence of a unique
solution to equation (26). By virtue of property 1) condition (27) can be
replaced by

(29) u'(O) = 0.

We proceed as usual and introduce on the segment 0 :::; r :::; R the equidis-
tant grid wh = {r; = ih, i = 0, 1, ... , N, hN = R}.
Still using the framework of Section 2, a difference scheme for equation
(26) can be obtained by the balance method:



Wi+l/2 - Wi-1/2
7'; h

7'; = ih,
h= -,

1·;1+112 1 1·;1+:12
qurdr=-- J(r)rdr,
r z h 7' z h
"i-1/2 "i-1/2

i=l,2, ... ,N-1,
7';±1;2 = 7'; ± 2 h,

w = r k(r)
Approximating the flow w by the expression

and substituting d; ui ri hand 'Pi ri h, respectively, for the integrals in the
balance equation (30), we arrive at the difference equation

(31) i = 1, 2, ... , N - 1,

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