
(jair2018) #1
278 Difference Schemes for Elliptic Equations

We list below the properties of the difference Laplace operator acting from
0 0
rlh into s:th C rlh. By definition,

  1. The operator A is self-adjoint:

(16) (Ay,v) = (y,Av) for all y,v E rlh.

To make sure of it, it is straightforward to verify the chain of the relations

N2-I N1-l
(A1 y, v) = L h 2 L h 1 (v A1 Y)i 1 i 2
i2=1 i1=l

with a simple observation that the operator A 1 is self-adjoint on the grid

This is due to the fact that the order of summation over i 1 and i 2 may be
interchanged. In a similar way we obtain


which leads to (16).

  1. The operator -A is positive definite:

(17) (-Ay,y) > bllYll^2 ,

4 2 7!' h I 4 , 2 7!' h 2 8 8
b = 2 sin 2I + - 1 2 srn 2I > (i + (i = b 0 •
hi I^12 2 I 2
This property follows immediately from the relation

AminllYll^2 < (-Ay,y),

which is certainly true with b =Amin (see Section 1).

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