290 Difference Schemes for Elliptic Equations
The expression for (A-y, y) can be transformed without difficulties
in just the same way. Recalling now that c 1 < ko:o: < c 2 and (Ay, y) =
L!=l (Yxa, YxJa we obtain c 1 A < A < c 2 A, yielding inequalities (28).
Inequality (29) can be deduced from the above relations by virtue of the
estimate f; E <A< 6. E.
In this section we consider higher-accuracy schemes for the Dirichlet prob-
lem ( 1) of Section 1 in a rectangle.
- The statement of the Dirichlet difference problem providing a higher-
order approxi1nation. On the basis of the "cross" scheme it is possible to
construct a scheme with the error of approximation 0(1h1^4 ) or O(h^6 ) on a
solution in the case of a square (cube) grid. In order to raise the order of
approximation, we exploit the fact that u = u(x) is a solution of Poisson's
(1) 6.u = -.f(x).
Without loss of generality we n1ay restrict ourselves to the careful analysis
of the two-din1ensional case (p = 2) where
Lo: u = -8 2 '
x 0:
by appeal to the difference operator
Acx u = ·u,,, •"O'"O ~ ,
assuming u = u( x) to possess all necessary derivatives. Then
' h2 h2
Au-Lu=-^1 L^2 u+-2 L^2 u+O(lhl^4 ).
12 1 12 2
From the equation L 1 1l + L2 u = -.f ( x) we find that
so that