Difference equations 9
In the case of boundary conditions of the second or third kinds its
order is N + 1, while for the system (6) with the supplementary conditions
(8) the order is N - 1. All the matrices of interest possess the main feature:
they have nonzero elements only on the three diagonals (the main and two
adjacent ones).
With the aid of effective Gauss method for solving linear equations
with such matrices a direct method known as the elimination method has
been designed and unveils its potential in solving difference equations.
- The elimination inethod. The problem we must solve take now the forrn
Ai Yi-l - Ci Yi+ Bi Yi+1 =-Fi, i = 1, 2, ... , N - 1;
where Ai -::f. 0 and Bi -::f. 0 for all i = 1, 2, ... , N - l.
Other ideas are connected with reduction of the original second-order
difference equation (9) to three first-order ones, which may be, generally
speaking, nonlinear. First of all, the recurrence relation with indeterminate
coefficients O:i and f3i is supposed to be valid:
( 10)
Substituting Yi-l = O:i Yi+ (3; into (9) yields
(Ai o:i - Ci) Yi+ Ai ,Bi+ Bi Yi+1 =-Fi,
which leads, because of (10), to
If the conditions
are fulfilled simultaneously, then the equation in view holds true for any Yi.
Thus, assuming Ci - o:i Ai -::f. 0, we establish the recurrence formulae for
determination of both O:i+l and f3i+l:
( 11)
A; {3; +Fi
C, - o:; Ai '
i = 1, 2, ... , N - 1,
i. = 1, 2, ... , N - 1,