386 Stability Theory of Difference Schemes
equation (3) can be recast as
(4) Byt+Ay=VJ(t), y(O) = Yo E Bh.
We call both equations (3) and ( 4) the canonical form of two-layer
schemes. Equation ( 4) is sirnilar to the differential equation
cl u
B dt + Au = f(t)
Example 1 For the heat conduction equation
7ft = Lu+f,
we made in Chapter 5 the design of the two-layer scheme with weights
- Yt = A ( O" y + ( 1 - O") y) + 'P , Av= (a(x)vx):r:.
With the aid of the the identity
we reduce it to
A y-y
T y + TYt
Yt - O" T A Yt - A y = 'P.
Comparison of this equation with equation ( 4) gives
B=E+O"rA, A= -A.
This form of writing reveals what is meant by the canonical form of a
weighted two-layer scheme.
At the next stage we proceed to solve equation ( 4) with respect to
y = Yn+l · If the inverse operator B-^1 exists, one can write down
(5) y = Sy+r<f;, S = E-rB-^1 A,
The operator S is called the transition operator (from one layer to an-
other). In addition to the canonical form ( 4), alternative forms of writ-
ing will appear in the sequel for two-layer schemes: By = Cy+ T 'P or
B Yn+l = C Yn + T 'Pn, where C = E - TA, E being the identity operator.
In the case B = E, scheme (3) is called an explicit two-layer scheme:
Yn+l - Yn +A
T Yn = 'Pn'
permitting us to determine the value Yn+l on the upper layer by the formula
Yn+l = Yn - T Ay 11 + T 'Pn· If B # E, then scheme (3) is called an implicit
two-layer sche1ne.