Stability Theory of Difference Schemes
\!Ve now consider the scheme with a skew-syn1111etric operator A:
yo + Ay = 0,
A= -A*.
We are going to show that this scherne is stable for rll A II < 1 and for it
the energy identity holds true:
vn+I c =GI c 1
where En+I =II Yn+I 112 + 2 r( Yn+I1 Ayn)+ II Yn 112 > 0.
All the tricks and turns remain unchanged: first, write the difference
equation in the form
and compute the squared norms on the left and right-hand sides
II Y 112 + 2 T (y, Ay) + r^2 ll Ay 112 =IIY112 - 2 T (Ay, Y) + r^2 ll Ay 112,
then add II y 112 to both sides and take into account that A is a skew-
symmetric operator, that is, (Ay, y) = -(y, Ay). As a final result we obtain
En+I =En = ... = £ 1. What is more, we claim that En+I > 0. Indeed,
En+I > II Yn+I 11
- 2 T II Yn+I II · II Ayn II+ II Yn 112
II Yn 112 - r^2 II Ayn 1/2 > 0
under the restriction rl I A 11 > 1. Here H is a real space. In the case of a
complex space H we have the quantity
with respect to which both the above reasoning and results are still valid.
Example Of special interest is the Schrodinger equation
q = const > 0 , 0 < x < 1 ,
u(O, t) = u(l, t) = 0, u(x, 0) = u 0 (x).
!Ve introduce, as usual, on the segrnent 0 < x < 1 a uniform grid
wh={xi=ih, i=O,l, ... ,N; hN=l}.