Classes of stable three-layer schemes
In this case we agree to consider in (112) er = c 2 /h^2 , Ay
Ay = (ay:r;),:).
For the multiple heat conduction equation
uJr = 0' u( x, 0) = u 0 ( x) ,
-Ay and
G being a. parallelepiped (0 < xc, < / 00 o: = 1,2, ... ,p), 0 < c 1 < ka < c 2 ,
other ideas connected with
p 1
I: fi2 Cl '
where hCI is the step of a. grid wh = { x = (xi' ... 'xp) E c} a.long the
direction x a.
Let Ao= A 1 +A2, where A 1 and A 2 adjoint or "triangular" (with
a. triangular matrix) opera.tors, so that
(Aoy, y) = 2 (A 1 y, y) = 2 (A2y, y).
Setting R = er A 1 or R = er A2 we arrive at scheme ( 108), which is stable for
er> 212 2er 0 (1 2 is a. constant involved in (111)).
Example 2 The a.sym1netric scheme for the heat conduction equation
belongs to the fa.mtly of "triangle" schemes having the fonn
Yt + h Yxt = A Y ,
Ay = -Ay,
Ry= h Yx'
Ay = Yxx ·
Ao =A, 11 = /2 = 1.
Sche1ne (115) is stable for er > l - ~; and conditionally a.pproxi1na.tes the
heat conduction equation to 0( h) as T = O(h^2 ).