Homogeneous difference schemes for the heat conduction 463
The next step is to reduce the resulting scheme to more convenient
forn1s in trying to avoid cumbersome calculations. The case CJ = 0, relating
to the explicit scheme, is simple to follow:
permitting us to find a solution on every new layer.
The case CJ f:- 0, relating to the implicit scheme, is connected with the
equation related to the unknown y = yj +^1 :
CJTAy-y=-F, F = y + T (l - CJ) A y + T <p,
which can be written in the augmented form
(8) A;'fJ;_ 1 - C;f}; + Ai+1~Vi+i = -F;, i = 1, 2, ... , N - 1,
Ai= CJra;/h^2 , Ci= A;+ Ai+!+ l,
with the supplementary boundary conditions for i = 0 and i = N
The difference bou\ldary-value problem associated with the difference equa-
tion (7) of second order can be solved by the standard elimination method,
whose computational algorithm is stable, since the conditions Ai f:- 0,
ICil > IA;I + IA;+1I are certainly true for CJ> 0.
The recurrence forn1ula
. 1.
FJ = -~
' (! z
is aimed at finding the right-hand side F;
smaller volun1e of computations.
F/ of equation (8) with a