472 Homogeneous Difference Schemes for Tirne-Dependent Equations
arising from the representation
( 36) 1/J = 7),r + 1/i* , that is, ·!/J = 7), 0 ,
gives rise to a perfect model for a more simpler estimation:
( :37)
for i < n + 1,
for i > n + l.
The order of accuracy of sche111e (7) can be most readily evaluated
with the aid of the representation for the error z = y - 11 as
z -- v + z* ,
where v and z* are solutions of the related problems:
vt = A (er v + ( 1 - er) v) + ijJ , v 0 =vN=0, v(x,0)=0,
z; = A(cri +(l -cr)z) +1/,, z Q = Z~, 1Y = (^0) ) z(x,0)=0.
In the accurate account of v and z we apply the results of the general
stability theory (Theorems 9 and 11 from Section2, Chapter 6):
+2:::rllA-^1 ~fll for cr>J 0 ,
(39) 11z]+I11 < I: T 111/J]' II for er> cr 0 , er> 0.
0 0
Since A-^1 ijJ ( is a solution to the equation A( 1/J T/x, we have
occasion to use the relation
( 40)
the right-hand side of which can be modified on account of (37) into
(1, IT/I]= I: h l17il = h^2 l1/Jnl + h Ii/Jn+ 1/Jn+1I (1-Xn+l) ·