
(jair2018) #1
658 Methods for Solving Grid Equations

Theoren1 1 If A is a self-adjoint. opeTatol' (A = A* > 0). then

( 11)

B >-TA

or (BJ:, x) > -T (Ax, x)

fol' all :v E H

is a sufficient condition fol' the conveTgence of the method of iterations (3')
in the space HA with the Tate of convergence of a geometric progression

( 12) k = 0, 1, ... ' p < 1)

where p = (1 - 2To.b/llB11^2 )^1 /^2 is its denominatol' and b =mink Ak(A),
o. =mink Ak (Bo - T A/2), B 0 = (B + B* )/2 is the symmetric part of the
opel'atol' B.

Proof Knowing frorn (3') z1.:+i = Sz1.: with the operator S = E - TB-^1 A,
we find that

= (A(E-TB-^1 A)z1.:i (E- TB-^1 A)zk))

=II z1.: II! - T [(AB-^1 Azk> zJ.;) + (B-^1 Az"' Az1.:)]

With the relation A= A* in view, we deduce upon substituting here Azk =
-Bvk and vk = -B-^1 Azk> where vk =; (zk+i - zk), that


Because of (11), by utilizing the fact that the operator P = B - TA/2 is
positive we establish its positive definiteness in a finite-di1nensional space
H (for more detail see Chapter 2, Section 1):

( 11 ')

B--TA>bE 2 - * ) o. > 0)

where o. is the s1nallest eigenvalue of the operator P 0 = Bo - ±TA, so that

( 13')

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