688 Methods for Solving Grid Equations
Here the composition of the grid is
where /1i is its boundary. In that case
Ay=-Ay, yEH=Q,
and instead of (35) we obtain
(35') Ay=<p, y E fl,
where the right-hand side <p differs from the function f only at the near-
boundary nodes. Simple algebra gives
implying that
8 = 4 -1 ' srn^2 --7l" hl + -1. sin^2 --7l" h2 )
h I 2 2l I h 2 2 2! 2 ,
4 4
~ = h2 + h2.
1 2
Here we should take into account that
( a1 b (^1) + a2 b 2 )^2 < ( - a1^2 + a2 2) (b21 + b'22)