
(jair2018) #1
Iterative alternating direction rnethocls 711

The numerical solution of problem (1) by means of iteration schemes can
be done using the alternating direction scheme for the heat conduction
equation au/at= t3.u + f(x), taking now for j = 0, 1, ... the form


ui+1/2 _ yi

j+l j+l/2
y ~ 2 ~ =Ai yi+^1 /^2 + A2 yi+^1 + f(x),

with any initial data y^0 = y(i:, 0). As usual, j is the number of the iteration,
yi+I/^2 is the intermediate iteration, r}~l 1 > 0 and r}; 1 > 0 are the iteration
parameters which will be so chosen as to provide a minimal nmnber of
The transition fro111 the ith iteration to the (j + 1 )th iteration can be
done by the elimination n1ethod along the rows as well as along the colmnns
for the following three-point equations:

,j+l/2 y - T(l) j+l A l ,j+l/2 y -- Fj '
(along the rows)
Fj = yi + T(l) J +l A 2 yj + T(l) J +1 J '

(along the columns)
Fj+l/2 = ,j+l/2 y + T(2) J+l A 1 y ,j+l/2 + T(2) J+l 1·.

Thus, the users must perfon11 O(l/(h 1 h 2 )) arith111etic operations in calcu-
lating one iteration or 0 ( l) arithmetic operations at every node of the grid
By analogy with the nonstationary heat conduction equation the it-
erative process (2) is referred to as the alternating direction method
(ADM), the convergence of which can be established on account of the

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