
(jair2018) #1

9.3 Digital Signal Filters

9.3.1 Introduction to Filtering

In the field of signal processing, the design of digital signal filters involves the
process of suppressing certa.in frequencies a.nd boosting others. A simplified filter
model is

y[n] + a1y(n -1] + a2y[n - 2) = box[n] + b1x[n -1) + b2x[n - 2) + bax[n - 3),

where the input signal is X n = x{n] is modified to obtain the output signal

Yn = y[n) using the recursion formula

y[n] = box[n] + b1x[n -l] + b2x[n - 2) + bsx[n - 3) - a 1 y [n -1) - a2y[n -2].

The implementation of (9- 23 ) is straightforward and only requires starting values,
then Yn = y(n) is obtained by simple iteration. Since the signals must have a
starting point , it is common to require that Xn = 0 and Yn = 0 for n < 0. We
emphasize this concept by making the following definition.

Definition 9.3 (Causal Sequence) Given the input {xn}::"=-oo and output

{Yn}::°=-oo sequences. If Xn = 0 and Yn = 0 for n < 0, the sequence is said

to be causal.

Given the causal sequence { Xn = x[n]} :, 0 , it is easy to calculate the solution
{Yn = y[n]} ::"=o to (9-23). Use the fact that these sequences are causal:

X _ 3 = 0, X- 2 = 0, X-1 = 0 and Y- 2 = 0, Y- 1 = 0. (9-24)

Then compute

Yo= boxo, (9-^25 )

Y1 = box1 + bixo - a1yo,

Y2 = box2 + b1x1 + b2xo -a1y1 - a2yo,

Y3 = boxs + b1x2 + b2x 1 + b3xo -a 1Y2 - a2Y1·

The general iterative step is

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