
(jair2018) #1


The fundamental theorem of algebra implies that the numerator has Q roots
(called zeros) and the denominator has P roots (called poles). The zeros { Zq} ~=l

may be chosen in conjugate pairs on the unit circle and lzql = 1 for q = 1, 2, ... , Q.

For stability, all the poles {wv}:=l must lie inside t he unit circle and lw,,I < 1

for p = 1, 2, ... , P. Furthermore, the poles are chosen to be real numbers and/or

in conjugate pairs. This will guarantee that the recursion coefficients are all real
numbers. UR filters may be all pole or zero-pole and stability is a concern; FIR
filters and all zero-filters are always stable.

9 .3 .4 Desig n of Filte rs

In practice, recursion formula (9-31) is used to calculate the output signal. How-
ever, digital filter design is based on the preceding t heory. One starts by selecting
the location of zeros and poles corresponding to filter design requirements and
constructing the transfer function H (z) = ~~~l · Since the coefficients in H(z}
are real, all zeros and poles having an imaginary component must occur in con-
j ugate pairs. Then the recursion coefficients are identified in (9-34) and used
in (9-·31} to write the recursive filter. Both the numerator and denominator of
H (z) can be factored into quadratic factors with real coefficients and possibly
one or two linear factors with real coefficients. The following principles are used
to construct H(z).

(i) Zeroing Out Factors
To filter out the signals cos( lln) and sin( lln), use factors of the form

z - ei^8 z - e-iQ..
(-- )( ) = 1 - (e'^8 + e- '^8 )z-^1 + z-^2 if 0 < B < -ir,
z z


z -ei"
(--}= l+z-^1 ifB= n ,
in the numerator of H(z). They will contribute to t he term

bo + b,z-^1 + ~z-^2 + ... + bq-1z-Q+1 + bqz- Q =
zQbo + b1zQ- i + ~zQ-z + ... + bQ-1z + bQ

(ii) Boosting Up Factors

To amplify the signals cos(Bn) and sin(Bn), use factors of the form


if 0 < p < 1 and 0 < ¢> < -ir,
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